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Tag: relationships

Wisdom of the Youth – Apology accepted!

Some lessons take longer than others to learn and having a heart of forgiveness is often one of those lessons. In theory it is quite simple – just let it go. There is however a little weed called self-righteousness that somehow manages to suffocate the simplicity right out of forgiveness…

CONTINUE READING Wisdom of the Youth – Apology accepted! 1 min read

Do You Ever Envy The Simplicity Of A Friend’s Life?

When I look back at my life maybe 10 years ago, I often wished, no prayed that life could just be a little less complicated. If only my life could be a little easier. I remember listening to this teaching about how everything happens for a reason. Everything will work out in the end.
‘Why don’t you come walk a mile in my shoes?’ I remember thinking.

CONTINUE READING Do You Ever Envy The Simplicity Of A Friend’s Life? 5 min read
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