Today’s devotion is for those who’ve gone through a divorce and are still struggling with pain, anxiety, and uncertainty about the future.
Wisdom of the Youth – Apology accepted!
Some lessons take longer than others to learn and having a heart of forgiveness is often one of those lessons. In theory it is quite simple – just let it go. There is however a little weed called self-righteousness that somehow manages to suffocate the simplicity right out of forgiveness…
Having An Attitude Of Gratitude
Having an attitude of gratitude is a choice. When we take God at His word, that He works all things together for our good, that He wants to give us a hope and a future, then we too can give thanks in the midst of the storms. The truth is, if you look, there is always something to be grateful for.
Do You Ever Envy The Simplicity Of A Friend’s Life?
When I look back at my life maybe 10 years ago, I often wished, no prayed that life could just be a little less complicated. If only my life could be a little easier. I remember listening to this teaching about how everything happens for a reason. Everything will work out in the end.
‘Why don’t you come walk a mile in my shoes?’ I remember thinking.
Anger Management
What happens when an Octopus gets angry?
Running On Empty – Feeling Burned Out!
When you’re really busy, it’s easy to rob time from the very things that will keep your energy levels up, and soon you find yourself running on empty.
Happily Ever After
Our kids grow up so fast. Despite how busy we often get with day to day life, we moms need to remember that truth as our children race through childhood.
Perseverance Pays Off!
Whether you’re trying to learn to play a musical instrument or training to do pull ups, nothing beats the power of perseverance.
Hiking in Mpumalanga
Gorges, plateaus, mountain streams and water falls, bushpigs, ticks, rain, mud, and a whole lot of fun. A weekend family hiking trip in Mpumalanga, South Africa.